At the Florida Orthopedic Foot & Ankle Center, our staff is committed to delivering exceptional care to all demographics and accept Workers’ Compensation insurance. If you are injured at work and need medical attention, we can help conduct an independent medical exam (IME) and treat your affected foot and ankle.

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What to do after a workplace injury?

If you are injured at work, you should begin the workers’ compensation process as soon as an injury or illness occurs. There are several steps that you will need to take to ensure that you can have coverage for medical treatment and potential lost wages that may occur due to the injury:

  1. Contact emergency medical services. If the injury is serious and requires emergency medical attention, it is important for you or someone else to contact emergency medical services immediately
  2. Report the injury as soon as you can to your employer. Formally report the injury to your manager in writing. Include all pertinent details, including the time, date, place of the injury, how the injury occured, and other details that may be relevant.
  3. Start the documentation process as soon as possible. Keep records for yourself including medical care and other expenses to substantiate your claim.
  4. Seek medical treatment. It is in your best interest to go to a doctor who is qualified to conduct an independent medical exam which can be filed with your workers’ compensation claim and serve as an official record of your injuries.

What is an Independent Medical Exam?

We will conduct an independent medical exam (IME) which involves the following:

  • Certify whether your injury is work-related
  • Establish whether or not you will require additional treatment for your condition
  • Work with you to set a timeline to when you can safely return to work and if you need any activity restrictions until the healing process is complete

Our PFAI team is committed to ensuring that you will receive the treatment necessary for you to safely return to work, call today if you have a Worker’s Compensation or Personal Injury today!!