OSSIOfiber is an ALL-NATURAL, METAL-FREE option in foot and ankle surgery. Built with organic materals and natural minerals that turn into your own bone! This tremendous advancement in surgical procedures is just another example on how Drs. Cottom and Badell and the team at Florida Orthopedic Foot & Ankle Center keep on top of the latest technology. These implants are designed to get patients back to the life they deserve and away from the pain and aggravation of metal screws and plates.

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Metal Free Foot & Ankle surgery offered in Sarasota, FL at Florida Orthopedic Foot & Ankle Center


Permanent Solution:  Using the body’s unique ability to heal, OSSIOfiber® provides a permanent solution without permanent implants.

High Satisfaction:  In a recent clinical study, 100% of hammertoe patients treated with OSSIOfiber® were satisfied and would recommend it to others.

Strong and Durable:  First-of-its-kind implant material is stronger than the outer surface of your bone and provides robust stability during the healing process.

Predictable Bone Integration:  Healing begins immediately after the procedure, with the implant fully integrated into the surrounding bone in 18-24 months.

Why OSSIOfiber®?

Traditional metal implants have not changed significantly in over a century. Even after return to function, many people experience ongoing discomfort from permanent metal implants, like painful swelling and new sensitivity to cold temperatures. They can leave surrounding bone weaker than healthy bones and prone to new injury. 1in4 people have ‘permanent’ metal hardware removed in a second operation. This can require an average of 10 additional sick leave days and still lead to new complications like infections or wound healing issues, lack of pain relief or improvement in function.  OSSIOfiber® implants provide strong and bio-integrative fixation to restore, regrow, and renew bone avoiding the risks and costs associated with permanent metal hardware.

Why use Bio-Integrative Implants?

Bio-Integrative OSSIOfiber® implants provide strong, secure fixation with 1.5x strength of cortical bone, enable bone attachment and in-growth during the healing process, and gradually integrate into the surrounding anatomy within 78 – 104 weeks – leaving no permanent hardware behind.

  • Avoid the risks and costs associated with permanent metal hardware
  • Doesn’t cause the adverse inflammation commonly seen with resorbable implants
  • Use existing reimbursement and surgical techniques
  • Promotes a more natural healing environment
  • In a recent clinical study, 100% of patients were satisfied and would recommend OSSIOfiber® to others